Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hypercolor and Selfishness

Growing up I never thought much about money. We were neither rich nor extremely poor. My parents worked hard to provide us with everything we needed and I think taught us the value of wants vs needs. As in I wanted Guess jeans but I really just needed regular ones.

We didn't splurge much on restaurants when I was young that I can recall, other than the rare special occasion. I remember going to Red Lobster once and Ryan's Steakhouse and I believe one of those was for my parent's anniversary. I'm not sure why they would take us out on their anniversary so that may be wrong.

Anyway, when I was 14 my parents took me to the mall in Springfield to see a movie. This is the one and only time I remember going out alone with my parents and I should have been beside myself with joy.

Before going to the movie, I managed to detour them into Dillard's to show them the latest and greatest in teenage sportswear. The Hypercolor T-shirt.

All the cool kids had them. They changed color with different temperatures. Looking back, why would anyone in their right mind want to wear a T-shirt that let everyone see when their armpits were getting overheated? It was a low expectation time in the world of fashion.

I ooh'd and aah'd over one then I think one of them asked if I wanted it. I remember it perfectly. It was purple with black letters that said "HYPERCOLOR" across the front and it turned pink when it got warm. I also remember that it was around $40 which was a heck of a lot for a T-shirt. That's still a heck of a lot for a T-shirt if you ask me.

My parents spent all of the movie money on this T-shirt for me and we went back home. I have thought of this story so many times since that day, more so as I get older, and am so ashamed that I put this silly material possession over an evening with my parents.

I'd give anything to go back in time and spend that evening out with my parents and just enjoy being with them. My Mom and Dad may not even remember this ordeal but it weighs heavy on my heart. I'm sure they were more than happy to splurge on their little girl and buy me something that I enjoyed because they're both giving people.

For nearly 18 years (dang that makes me feel old) I have thought about and regretted that moment, but I'd like to think it's helped Adult Angie understand that material possessions are no substitution for memories.

And just for the record Mom and Dad, I love you both more than any T-shirt.



Samantha said...

If your house was like mine... your dad asked if you wanted it, having no idea how much anything at Dillards would cost (because he rarely went to Springfield let alone the mall). When you said yes, then your mom scrabbled for some way to find enough money to pay for such an extravagance. They bought it to make you happy.

Personally, as the mom of a 15 year old, this gives me hope that in the future it will click for Bryce that it is about memories not money.

Mom said...

I do remember that shirt. I also remember how persuasive you were. That's probably why you're so good at what you do!!!! I wish we could go back a relive some of those moments, they went by way too fast!! I still would've bought you the shirt!!

Donna B. said...

:) Angie, I love this story. As adults we often remember the moments that shaped us in ways that our parents don't realize will happen. As a parent, I try to remember that sometimes...those little extravagances are more than a moment but a lifetime felt...the smiles or joy is often the greatest repayment for the gift.

And who WOULDN'T want a shirt that showed your sweaty armpits? LOL