Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 Things - Update

On November 7th I listed 12 Things I wanted to accomplish before the end of 2009. Here's where I stand with only 14 days to go.

1. Go ice skating. (Does sliding around on a slippery sidewalk count?)

2. Get Jim to paint pottery with me.

3. Create a December Daily album. (This one is totally my bad. I had the thing almost completely done and the next thing I knew I was two weeks behind and gave up. Maybe next year.)

4. Eat at The Melting Pot fondue restaurant. (Came very close today but waited too long to make a reservation. Hoping for next week.)

5. Bake a pie from scratch.

6. Do something especially nice for a stranger. (Will be actively looking for something nice to do tomorrow.)

7. Take pictures in a photo booth. (Still dying to do this. I really thought there would be one at our local movie theater but alas, there was not.)

8. Finish knitting a scarf I started like 2 years ago. (Technically I didn't finish that same one, but I started and FINALLY finished a different one. I think that deserves extra credit.)

9. Send handmade Christmas Cards.

10. Make 3 Artsy videos. (One down, two to go. I already know what projects I would like to demonstrate, but I'm still having nightmares about the first video. Maybe I'll do the next one drunk.)

11. Send an anonymous gift to someone.

12. Design and create a new website. (This was written during a total lapse in judgement. There's no way. I'll be lucky to figure it out by the end of 2010.)

Clearly my 2009 to-do list has turned into an excuse list. It's too late on the December Daily album and the website. Those will be carried over to my 2010 list.

Good Gracious, I have a lot to do.


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