Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Today was just a perfect day in the Northwest. It was sunny, but not too hot and not too cold.

We spent the entire day oustide. I spent too much time in the sun and now my arms are burned, but it was worth it.

I was pretty productive today, too.

Let's see, I planted some ivy, Jim and I rigged a water sprinkler system for the front yard, I spray painted a bunch of stuff for a craft project (that I probably won't get around to posting any time soon), and I cut some flowers off of my white lilac tree. Then we grilled lobster tails so delicious they make me weep with joy.

Where was little Liesl during all this?

She can perpetually be found at Jim's feet. No matter where he is, or what he's doing. She wants to be next to, in between of, or on top of his feet.

It's becoming difficult for him to walk anywhere.

And contrary to popular belief, Jim does wear other colors besides black, but since today's post has him featured in black yet again, I'm throwing in this extra picture in case you don't believe me.

Aren't they precious?



Lynn said...

I am so happy to see that Jim is wearing a color! That's so cute that they love each other so much! Too cute!

Samantha said...

Today was a cloudy, rainy day in the Ozarks. I am glad to know someone had a beautiful day. The flowers are beautiful!

Samantha said...

Like the new plates! I just noticed them on the table in your flower picture.

Angie said...

Well Thank You Samantha!