Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Miss You Springfield

I miss you Charlotte Russe.

Sure I can shop online, but it's not the same. I can't try on your trendy clothes and listen to your awesome music.

And I can't stand and gawk at your wall of beauties.

I miss you Panera Bread.

There is no bakery like you. I used to eat your delectable food every Saturday morning before work and now you're hours and hours away from me.

Oh, how I miss your asiago bagels.

But the most agonizing hole in my Ozarkian heart is due to Nakatos Japanese Steakhouse.

Nakatos. Just the name makes my mouth water.

The soup and salad! That rice! Those noodles! That shrimp!!!!!!

Good gracious, I miss you!



mom said...

Wish you were here, I think all of those places miss you too!!! They probably wonder...whatever happened to that beautiful girl that came in here everyday!!!

Donna B. said...

Springfield just emailed me...She misses you too! :)