Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting the Year out right...

A BIG congratulations are in order (No, I am not pregnant).

I successfully went an entire year without drinking any soda. Admittedly, I substituted one vice for another. I gave up my Dr. Pepper and dove right into coffee. Ahh, delicious, eye-opening, body warming coffee, I will miss you. That's right. I am giving up coffee (for now). Probably not for an entire year though. A girl can only sacrifice so much.

Jim ceremoniously presented me with a champagne glass of that sweet, delicious nectar that I had not tasted for 365 days. It was OK.

Moving on to less life-changing topics...

Project 365 was a bust. The company ran out of the albums within 25 minutes. I still want to commit myself to taking a picture every single day for this year. I have to figure out how to store it all though. Sounds like a trip to Michaels is in order!

Another artsy, fartsy thing that I'm into is a Web craze called "One Little Word." If you had to choose one single word to describe what you would like to accomplish or feel or commit to this year, what word would you choose? I'm still thinking about it. I'll decide by tomorrow. Maybe.


Lynn said...

You big party animal, Dr Pepper to ring in the New Year, rebel!

Alan and Connie said...

I am so proud of you for being self-disciplined enough to reject something that you like for a total year. Look out Jim!!! I on the other hand would probably be in some institution if I had to give up coffee. Good luck with that. Love you!cha