Sunday, August 9, 2009

Swimsuit Shot and Summer Fun

This summer has been brutal.

The whole benefit of living in the Northwest is the climate. I am simply not accustomed to temperatures over 100 degrees anymore, especially without the benefit of air conditioning, which our home does not have. But the typical Northwest weather has escaped us this year and we have instead suffered week after week of hot misery.

The only cure to the hot summer blues is the lake. We've spent a number of days on the lake this year.

Big Jim even got into the spirit of things. He's pretty adventurous for a man of 77 years.

And moving on to a more personal topic, I decided earlier this year to have a whole Kirsty Alley Oprah moment and expose myself in a swimsuit on this very blog by the end of summer.

I have been a model Weight Watcher for most of the summer now, and although I haven't reached my goal weight, I'm prepared to follow through on my original goal.

So here goes....



Lynn said...


Mom said...

You turd!! I know how good you look, so be brave and come out of the water.!!

Samantha said...

Cheater, cheater, cheater-head!