Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Exploding Box Album

Kayla and I spent several hours crafting together during her time with us. One of the albums we made was this Exploding Box Album to commemorate our white water rafting trip.

The album folds up into this cute little box which "explodes" when you open it.

Each flap contains a different picture. I sewed some of the pictures on three side to make a pocket so I could include more pictures and a little journeling on some tags.

All in all, I did 4 levels, which is 16 flaps (Miss Math Genius here).

Some flaps got decorative items instead of just pictures.

And then I added a little "bling" here and there, but I wanted to keep it simple.

And Voila, an exploding box!

If you want to make this super cute little keepsake, here are some simple directions:

You need at least 4 sheets of cardstock or heavy paper.

Bottom layer - 12 x 12, score 4" from each side
2nd layer - 11 x 11, score 3 3/4" from each side
3rd layer - 10 x 10, score 3 1/2" from each side
4th layer (optional) - 9 x 9, score 3 1/4" from each side
Lid - 8 x 8, score 2" from each side

Cut the 4 corner squares from each layer (not the lid). Decorate and glue the layers together in the middle square.

For the lid, create another score diagonally in each corner square. Tuck this corner in and glue it to the side of the box. It helps if you have something to hold it firmly until the glue dries.

Have fun!



Lynn said...

I have been anxiously awaiting you posting this! It's really cool, love it!

Mom said...

That really turned out very cute!! Kayla got home with hers with one of the corners bent just a little, but not so bad it ruined it. It had a rough ride home!!!

Samantha said...

This is super cute!! Maybe I can do this once school gets going and things calm down.