Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Hard To Say Goodbye

Geez Louise, that took forever!

I finally have my trusty laptop back and I have so much to share with you!

I was on vacation all of last week. My Mom and my niece Kayla flew in from Missouri to spend the week with us. We had such a good time. For the next several days I will share pictures and stories of our adventures.

I was so very sad when they left yesterday.

When you're expecting company it seems like it takes forever for that time to get here. Then once they're here, time vanishes like a fart in the wind (sorry, that's from a movie).

After we dropped them off at the airport, I cried. I'm not normally a cryer, but my estrogen level had skyrocketed to a new high this week. Must have been because of the extra female hormones in my home for 7 days. Whatever it was, I cried.

When we got home I found a note from Kayla and I cried. Then I found a note from my Mom, and I cried. I was OK for a little bit, then I drank a cup of coffee and cried.

Today was our first day back to normal. Back to the grind.

I'm looking forward to reliving our week together. I really miss you guys.



Lynn said...

Oh G! I cried knowing that you cried... that's a moment I would swear would never happen... My Angie, overwhelmed w emotion, weird!

Samantha said...

I must admit, I teared up reading this and seeing your mom say goodbye. I do not know how you do it!

PS- look at my photo blog later. I think there is a picture from yesterday that you will love.

Mom said...

I sure miss my baby girl!!