Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's SNOW picnic out there!

After one flight delay, one flight turn-around, a failed attempt to rent a car, and a long taxi ride, I finally made it home around 1 am this morning.

As of this posting, it has snowed around 20" in the last 24 hours and it's snowing even a little harder right now. This is the biggest snowfall in one day since 1954.

Here's what our world looks like....

This is our neighbor, Neil. He is stuck on our street in his all-wheel drive Honda.

This is our neighbor boy, let's call him Mikey (cause I don't remember his name).

All this snow made me want to go play!
The ever protective Jim had to make sure I was going to be safe. So first I got suited up.

Then Jim had to clear a path for me.

Do these coveralls make me look fat?
Look Mom! A snow ANGELa!!!
I was only about half way down into the snow here!

Here's Big Jim creating a path to our house for some coffee.

I am SOOOOOO grateful that I made it home lastnight and that I didn't have to go ANYWHERE today!!!! We've had a lot of fun playing and watching crazy people try to get out.


Lynn said...

If I were there I would be in absolute heaven, I would have my G and snow all in one place, how euphoric! BTW, you look HOTTTT in your Carharts!

Anonymous said...

I must say I don't envy you at all. I think you make a darling snow angel though!!! If only they made pink carharts.