Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas Eve!

The Jims tried to clear the snow off of the roof earlier this week, but it was too deep and too slippery. Then this morning Big Jim saw a commercial for a "roof rake", so he made one out of a rake and some plywood. They could only get about this much done.

It's hard to tell from the picture just how deep this is, but if you'll look again, around 1/4 of the way from the left, you'll see one of my pink shoes that Jim tried to use yesterday (attached to a rope, which got caught on a shingle) to knock some snow off. Using the shoe for perspective, you can now see that the snow on our roof is about waist deep.

Big Jim surprised us this afternoon with our Christmas present. He presented Jim with a Christmas card, and inside there was a picture of a sweet BBQ grill with "Merry Christmas" written on it. He couldn't pick it up himself, so the Jims went to Lowes and came back with it.

We are supposed to get another 8-10" of snow tonight. It will be a veeeeeeery white Christmas here!


Lynn said...

I know you are prolly sick of it, but..... I am so jealous of the snow : ( Enjoy your new grill love!

Alan and Connie said...

At least the snow is very pretty, not that dirty snow that we sometimes get. I will think of you when it reaches close to 70 tomorrow. I will expect a steak when I come our there now on your new grill!!!