Tuesday, October 14, 2008

House Update - 1 door down

We have resumed working on our house. As mentioned several blogs ago, we bought the moulding for our upstairs. Jim's been working on it for the last couple of weeks and I finally got around to painting a few doors.

Here's what the doors looked like when we bought the house (and still do downstairs).

And here's what they look like now, with Jim's primo trim work.

It looks so much better now. Crisp and clean. Jim has a lot more trim to nail up, and I have lots more painting to do, but it feels good to be making progress.
We have about 150 unfinished house projects going on, but I've been itching to start creating a craft room downstairs. I've got to get rid of my makeshift craft area before Christmas anyway since that's where the tree goes. That's a legitimate reason, right?


Alan and Connie said...

Your trim work looks great!! Jim is doing such a good job, and the paint job isn't bad either. Just think how nice that is going to look when you get all of it done. Too bad you have to stop for a while to go back home and see your mom!!!

Lynn said...

Okay, so "the cats out of the bag" or "cats in a basket" as I used to like to say....(do u remember that?) You are coming to MO!? I so would love to see you, I will even come there, or you and Janca could come to my humble home. BTW, the trim looks awesome, and I really like your wall color.